2011 Goal Progress

Below are some specfiic goals I have for this year and how I'm progressing...

1) Become more comfortable with the rules and take a rules workshop
DONE! My rules knowlege was embarrassingly bad.  I'm not comfortable playing in competitive events because I don't know how to handle a lot of situations, so I needed a rules boot camp.  I took a 3 day workshop in March that covered the rules.  I feel more comfoatable now, but  I scored a 68 on my final exam and I'm still a little confused about certain rules.  Good enough for now...

2) Compete in 5 indivdual tournaments

1) OGA Tour - Emerald Valley
2) OGA Tour - Forest Hills
3) OGA Mid-Amateur Championship
4) Persimmon Club Championship
5) OGA Tour - Quail Valley
6) OGA Tour Championship - Bandon Trails

Plus a few other team match play and other competitive events.  My competitive success this year far exceeded my expectations! I ended up winning both my Club Championship and the OGA tournament at Forest Hills. I also placed in the top 10 in the Mid-Am Championsip. 

3) Get to a 5 handicap before the end of the posting season
Ended last season as a 7.6.  I dropped to a 4.5 in July and have stayed below a 5 as of November 2011.  I even got down to a 4.1 in the early October revision. 

4) Improve average putts per round
I've had the yips for 10 years.  Last August I played a round where I had 43 putts and shot an 86.  In February I had two 4-putts in 3 holes.  Putting is the key to my game improvement and I need to improve.  This year I changed my putting grip and stroke, and I practice putting more than anything else.  I've done a poor job in tracking my putting stats, but I have improved.  Next year, I'll set more specific goals.